Code samples ============ A simple test case ------------------ Here's an example of a test case that the authors of `Requests `_ might have written, if they were using Contexts. See the :ref:`Guide ` for details. :: import requests class WhenRequestingAResourceThatDoesNotExist: def establish_that_we_are_asking_for_a_made_up_resource(self): self.uri = "" self.session = requests.Session() def because_we_make_a_request(self): self.response = self.session.get(self.uri) def the_response_should_have_a_status_code_of_404(self): assert self.response.status_code == 404 def the_response_should_have_an_HTML_content_type(self): assert self.response.headers['content-type'] == 'text/html' def cleanup_the_session(self): self.session.close() if __name__ == '__main__': contexts.main() Triangulation ------------- Here's a brief example of Contexts's triangulation feature. We're asserting that the various different types of numbers in Python can all be multiplied by 0 to produce the expected result. :: class WhenMultiplyingANumberByZero: @classmethod def examples_of_numbers(cls): yield 0 yield -6 yield 3 yield 1.6 yield 6 + 2j def because_we_multiply_by_0(self, example): self.result = example * 0 def it_should_return_0(self): assert self.result == 0 If you yield tuples from the `examples` method, and you accept multiple arguments to the test methods, Contexts will unpack the tuple and pass it in as separate arguments. :: class WhenMultiplyingTwoNumbers: @classmethod def examples_of_numbers_and_their_products(cls): yield 1, 12, 12 yield -3.2, 2, -6.4 yield 6 + 2j, 9, 54 + 18j def because_we_multiply_the_two(self, x, y, expected): self.result = x * y def it_should_equal_what_we_expected(self, x, y, expected): assert self.result == expected If you accept only one argument to a test method, but you yield tuples, Contexts will not unpack the tuple. :: class WhenIYieldTuples: @classmethod def examples(cls): yield 'abc', 123 yield [], {} def it_should_give_me_tuples(self, example): assert isinstance(example, tuple)